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Photography travel

Exploring Hosier Lane

October 3, 2016

Melbourne is a cultural melting pot. With a vibrant creative scene and thriving art community, it is a city filled with street art. A trip to the city with a friend led me to explore Hosier Lane.


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Photography travel

Season of Change: Rediscovering Australia

September 27, 2016

So much has happened in the last 2 months. I left New York, moved back to Melbourne Australia, started a new job and reconnected with old friends. Relocating is always overwhelming and disorienting. It’s challenging – you can’t help but miss your friends and the lifestyle you had in the place you left behind. Yet its exciting; it’s time to reconnect with friends and family that you had missed when you were away and you are presented with new possibilities. It’s a great time to start things afresh. Although I am still going through this awkward period of readjustment, I’m looking forward to my next chapter in Australia and I am determined to make the most out of it.

I plan to document this new journey and share photos of this beautiful country along the way. Here are a few photos to start with for now.